Monday 19 May 2014

White leg weekend...

The varicose veins are slightly more pronounced, the old operation scars slightly more livid, the knees are slightly more knobbly, and the socks have at last been shed for a few weeks...

Yup, summer has arrived with a vengeance, and the good people of the village are treated to the wondrous sight of Scrobs' legs!

I thought both readers would like to know this!


  1. "Ne'er cast a clout til May be out."

    This wise old saying is referring to the supreme rashness of premature leg exposure. Be warned.

  2. I'll s;eeep a little more soundly tonight in the knowledge your legs have announced summers official arrival.

  3. OK, Lils, I will!

    I may even post a pic soon, but the flash going off temporarily blinds me, what with the whiteness and the vertigo..;0)

  4. Aaah, but is that the may shrub, or the month, Mr H!

    May's been out for ages here, but we're still only on the 20th!

  5. I'm glad of that, Thud!

    You'll of course, be praying for rain, so that the new gutters will show their proper skills, and flow correctly..;0)

    I wish we'd have had c.i. gutters, as the ones here aren't easy to stop bending and dripping everywhere...

  6. Dear Sir,

    A brief antidote to de-shock your gasping villagers.


  7. Thanks Reevers, I'm on day four now, and also have a watch mark...
