Sunday 6 April 2014

Shey Boo, the other end of the Goldhawk Road...

Scrobs never really bothers being associated with 'fine dining' for a couple of reasons, mainly that paying someone else to knock up a curry which will never be as good as Mrs Scroblene's speciality, is a waste of money and energy, and secondly, that all eating interferes with the main elements of ingestion, which is some good wine or beer.

Trawling through the online rags a few days ago, this review popped out of the 'Eeen Staaannnarddd', and it is hilarious!

Of course, I'll never go there, but it does seem that several others won't as well now!


  1. Oops, linky no worky...

    My click get me directed to open some account or other...

    PS: Word verif = matsaly = Malay/Indonesian for "white man". Hmm...

  2. I'm sorry about this, Reevers!

    Here's the direct link anyway, and I'll try to fix the one in the post as well!

  3. We never bother with fine dining, although we may give it a go this year. Fish, chips, mushy peas and a pint of real ale is my idea of good grub.

  4. rvi's free advice department7 April 2014 at 08:47

    What AK said. Sounds like a good place to give a miss next time I'm in town.

    Now, if you would like guaranteed excellent food and ambiance for lunch, on your next weekend away, go to any decent vineyard (or winery as the Ozzies call them)in any of the Australian wine growing areas. I realise that might be a long way to go for a quick lunch, but I as something of a connoisseur on this one, I am sure you will not be disappointed. And the menus always extend far beyond just lamb chops and fush'n'chups. If you want a decent table you are advise to dress properly.

  5. My old Australian flatmates are growing vines in the Hunter Valley, Reevers, I think one guy has seven hectares!

    Good tip, but as you say, quite a long way to go for lunch!

    But I am going abroad tomorrow, to Cardiff, so that may count?

  6. Ask him nicely - he might give you a discount (or an extended wine tasting session!).

    Hope you got your immunisations in place for your trip!

  7. Here's the link, Reevers!

    Great guy"

  8. Noted TQVM.

    Talking of fine dining, a few years ago we were in Helsinki for a few days. Having exhausted ourselves doing the tourist bit we decided to treat ourselves to a good dinner - so all dressed up we went to the dining room of The Sheraton. The menu was non-existent, consisting only of "meat, fish, or lamb". Being famished we ordered steak and chips. Then sat waiting eagerly for our dinner.

    When it came (sans chips!) it comprised a 2 x 1 x 1 inch piece of steak, balanced on top which was a teaspoonful of what looked like some sort of mashed potato. On top of that were 4 very thin strips of carrot, arranged to form a roof over the lot and a sprig or two of what looked like something from the local fish pond.. The plate was masterfully decorated with ornate patterns in gravy.... and that was it!

    It took us less than 2 minutes to eat the lot, pay the very extortionate bill and make our way a few yards along the road to the nearest (non-huge-interntional-chain) burger bar for an excellent and satisfying dinner.

    So, donning my Michael Winner hat, I urge all your readers if ever they go to Helsinki, avoid the Sheraton like the plague.

    This has been a public service announcement.

  9. Hello Scrobs darling, that was a funny article in the ES, I am so tired of reading glowing reports about marvellous Gastro type Pubs and they never fail to disappoint, under feed and overcharge.
    Nobody can cook a good steak like Ian, my darling, (obviously trained by moi).
    When we go on one of our cottage holidays we buy lovely fresh local produce then cook it in the surrounds of a 4-5 star cottage without having to sit amongst BOF's, eating mediocre food.

  10. Visit a site called Top Table. They do cracking deals in good restaurants in London.

  11. The Sheraton is being avoided as we speak Reevers! That's excessive ridicularity!

    (I have to be slightly circumspect here, as we're chasing a couple of sites down for the parent group, so hush is the watchword..;0)

  12. I've never used them EK, but it sounds like a better way to get what you want! But a pint and a cheese sandwich is more my line these days...
