Friday 20 December 2013

Wensleydale - the movie...

Wensleydale cheese has been awarded Protected Geographical Status, and quite rightly, as we love it!

Here's a lovely quote in the Daily Mail: -

David Hartley, managing director of The Wensleydale Creamery, said: 'Our heritage and provenance makes Yorkshire Wensleydale cheese taste truly unique and we're delighted this is now officially recognised.

'We'd like to thank everyone for their support for our application, including our dedicated staff at The Creamery, our local community and of course our loyal customers in the UK and around the globe.

'There could be no better early Christmas present for the whole team here and it is a great platform to propel us into 2014.

Step up Wallace and Gromit!


  1. I haven't been allowed anything other than Primula (the one with shrimp) since 1987. I have very strict dietary control owing to my time in St. Andrews.
    One morsel of Wensleydale, and I would be yakking for a week.
    My doctor tells me that I am lactate intolerant.

  2. One of the great cheeses. Grandson recently asked me to name my favourite food so I gave him a one word answer - cheese.

  3. Good news, but are Wheelbarrowso and Rumpypump aware? They don't usually approve of such defiant independence from the serfs.

    All from me for now, so thanks for keeping us happy and amused over the year and Mrs rvi and I wish Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New year to you and yours (and the other two readers, of course)


  4. Life without it would just be crackers.

    Happy Christmas to you and yours.

  5. Fuller, young Sir - what a shame that you are in the lower quartile for cheese consumption!

    Wensleydale is unique and I thought might have been a by-product of the delectable Primula you describe!

    But probably not!

  6. Best answer you can give, Mr Haart!

    I can't remember liking cheese when I was small, as there were only two types, yellow hard and blue nasty...

  7. Luckily, they don't really get any notice taken of them in The Turrets, they may get yelled at occasionally, but probably because they're usually linked with failure.

    And best wishes to you and Mrs Rvi - thank you!

  8. Absolutely, Elecs!

    Happy Christmas to you and your family as well!

  9. Yes, Scrobs. That Dawlish train WAS me. The wave was far bigger than captured in the photo.

  10. Blimey! You're a hero!

    That must have been terrifying!

    You just take it easy, good guy!

  11. Merry Chrimbo to you and the family...cheers!

  12. Many thanks, Thud, and the complements of the season to you all as well!

  13. You were up early... over excited?
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  14. We had apricot studded wensleydale and Wallace and Grommit in the wrong trousers and Curse of the Were Rabbit. Good stuff. As I'm visiting folk with a TV I got to catch up on the adverts. Love the Wonga ad with this chap.

    Hope y'all had a great Xmas. Happy New Year from Pips x

  15. Try again: We had apricot studded wensleydale and Wallace and Grommit in the wrong trousers and Curse of the Were Rabbit. Good stuff. As I'm visiting folk with a TV I got to catch up on the adverts. Love the Wonga ad with this chap.

    Hope y'all had a great Xmas. Happy New Year from Pips x

  16. Marvellous, Pips!

    Reminds me of the sound my first ever guitar made (new strings...)!

    Happy New Year to all of you up there!

