Thursday 21 November 2013

When I was a little bitty baby my mama done rock me in the cradle...

I've just been seeing a load of information on the 'Cotton Ball Diet', and was intrigued, as I always put on weight during the winter, and lose it all when I start digging in the spring, so it's a seasonal body that is part of the Scrobs routine...

Apparently, eating cotton squirted with any old juice or flavouring, enables the body to think it is full, and stops the requirement for chocolate, or biscuits, or even Guinness God forbid! All these sites are Googleable, if you're really interested!

But they've all missed one vital point, which to me is more important than any of the dieticians' comments, or the acolytes who espouse all this, and that is this...

In Catch 22, Milo Minderbinder used to buy cotton at five cents and sell it at three cents and make a profit!

Just think about it...


  1. Thank you - I knew that news story reminded me of something I had read!

    Back in my school-days, the equivalent was capsules of dried and compressed orange-pith which expanded in a most entertaining fashion if dropped into a glass of water.

    It was presumably a useless waste product of the orange juice industry transformed by some real-life Milo Minderbinder into a marketable commodity.

  2. Goodness me! I never knew cotton was edible - apart from what the Yanks call 'cotton candy' [candy floss to us]. I'd have thought cotton would have tied ones innards up in knots. Not pleasant, as a close relative discovered not long ago).

    Or have you just got us all on a bit of string? Have a good weekend.

  3. Morning, Macheath! It just brought back memories of the book, and the film, especially when he sold them covered in chocolate...

    I used to take the pith from oranges which we'd juiced, and freeze it for later. It actually was very pleasant, but Milo would have beaten that one I'm sure!

  4. I don't really think it is, Reevers, but it ain't poisonous, so as an inert matter, it neither helps or hinders, I suppose!

    There was a fad for eating compressed bran a few years ago, and you had these before a meal to suppress your appetite.

    It didn't suppress the after effects of half a hundred-weight of refined roughage though...

  5. Don't think I'll be trying cotton balls, not even if they are dipped in chocolate :-)

    I am struggling with ebay addiction at the moment and the house will soon look like everyone's granny's (house).

  6. Ha ha ha, Lils! It may well look like ours, as we're still wondering if we really will chuck out all our old VHS videos, which we can't make work anyway, as you need a degree in Space Sciences to know how to contact the TV and the Recorder...

    As for chocolate covered cotton balls, I'm with you on that, but they might be nice dipped in goat oil..;0)

  7. They made a special VIDEO for me Scrobs.

    No, even I would draw a line at dipped in goat oil. I like it boiled veg and toast though :-)

  8. Scrobs somewhere or other....25 November 2013 at 21:10

    Oh Lor, what a great song Lils!

    I bought Puckoon just an hour ago, because I'd read an excerpt and just creased up at the lovely stuff Spike Milligan did!

    I've still got some early Private Eyes looking for a buyer...


  9. Reminds me of 'North and South' where the workers complained of having a fan in the workroom to remove the cotton fibres in the air, because they were hungrier with it than without (even though cotton got onto their lungs). So a health and safety issue is now a health solution! Typical.

    said Pips
