Thursday 31 October 2013

"Happy Halloween"...


  1. Wish I'd thought of that. Could start a useful trend.

  2. Apparently they all did, Mr H!

    Peaceful evening all round! Not that anyone would have got much, I'd eaten all the sweets ages ago...

  3. On a family blogsite such as this, I do hope that is not a message to both your readers. We can go to Guido's you know!

  4. Ha ha ha, Reevers - of course not, in fact a third commented personally (well, we were meeting in a pub), and I'm sure the other several thousand will give me a call when I get out of jail...

    We just gape at signs which say 'Happy Halloween'! For God's sake, what on earth is there to be happy about, unless you're a tacky retailer!

    And it's bloody firework night tonight, and JRT will be absolutely out of her mind!

    Me Grumpy...?

  5. I'm sending my kids around to yours next oct....armed!

  6. Also firework night here too Scrobs as the Indians, Hindus (whatever) celebrate Diwali, their Festival of Light (by making as much noise as possible, especially around 3am).

    As Max used to say/sing: "All night the prairie dawgs kept howling".
