Sunday 31 March 2013

Lib Dems' Easter sing-song...


  1. The Lib Dems other song: We shell not we shell not be moved.... [until the next election comes along]

    You poached that from Japanese tv didn't you?

    ... scrambling for further eggzamples...

  2. No, even Vince isn't that cute.

  3. Yup, Reevers! Mrs S (ex Singapore in her young years), recognised the symptoms!

    But we really wanted to know where the lyrics came from, hence the Google ref!

    The future's - er - Yellow...?


  4. Flapping of wings, feathers all over the place, lots of clucking, 'golden' eggs...

    Are you sure, Mr H?

  5. Can't watch it as my browser doesn't support something or other :-(

    In other news I think tommorows Mail headline is foul, really vile. If you want to be that crass then thank goodness they weren't GPs - they could have murdered hundreds!

  6. Don't worry Pips, it was only a crowd of small kids singing 'Chick chick chick chick chicken, lay a little clegg for me'.

    (If you're not Pips, then 'How nice to meet you at long last, Anon')!

  7. Sorry twas me, Scrobs. Apols, I have a cold. It started just as the Easter hols did and I've been in bed, shivering. The children wait on me hand and foot, bless 'em. But loading the dishwasher was "disgusting" and presumably they are hoping woodland creatures pop by and do the washing up next time :-)

    Pip x

  8. Aaww, I knew it was you Pips!

    My cold started in January, and is still honking as we speak, so I sympathise!

    That's no cold, it's globule worming, and all politicians are to blame!

    Hope you fel better soon; we all need some vitamin D and that comes from sunshine an' the rest...

    Shivering in bed really should mean a cuddle shouldn't it...;0)

  9. The choreography and performance was shit.

    Not the standard we have come to expect of Chinese toddlers.

  10. I don't know how I missed this Scrobs. Alas, now being rural youtube runs at about a frame every 3 or 4 seconds with silent gaps in between....


  11. That's bollocks Elecs, and you know it!

    Paah, call yourself a musician?

  12. Lils, why not just post me a letter, and I'll the scan it and post it for you!

    The worst thing about this blogging lark, is that meaningful ladies like you don't get a look in!

    (PS, we bought a Mantis for the allotment today...;0)
