Thursday 17 January 2013

Neigh Lad...

This latest furore concerning meat in burgers really gets my goat!

It's another example of the nanny state, expecting people to actually find meat in food, especially those things made from old tyres and motorway service station plastic gloves!

If I was a vegetarian, I'd eat my hat, but I wouldn't because it's a natty leather one with a rather fetching plaited two-tone band around the brim...

Give me a Lion bar any day!


  1. I never realised horse meat is a "contaminant". I thought it was expensive.

  2. Quoi de neuf? 'Twas ever thus. You need to take a thick science dictionary with you when you go shopping to look up the definitions of some of the long-winded unintelligible stuff on the label.

    Somebody said chez Guido that he would go for Tesco's sausages as they really are the dog's boll...s. Sweet.

    En passant, the Beeb's take on this story was interesting. Instead of finding a few of the 60 odd million normal (outraged?) everyday shoppers to comment on the story, they managed to find one muzzy bint who complained that she considered herself extremely fortunate that the burgers did not actually contain ... wait for it.... P O R K!

    Quelle 'orreur!

  3. I found some Tesco value burgers in the freezer, AND THEY'RE OFF!

    I thenku.

    Actually I found some condoms in the kitchen cupboard and couldn't check the use-by date as it was in Roman numerals.

    Must do the tea now. What are we having? My Lidl pony *groan*

    I'll be here till thursday, try the veal.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love the dog's bol... Reevers!

    Yes, we saw the stupid beeb commenter, and our next question was then why live here...

  6. Well done Pips!

    We were greeted by our chum in Tesco with the statement that he was feeling a little hoarse...;0)

  7. Whether we like it or not, anyone who has eaten salami has probably eaten donkey.

