Friday 4 January 2013

Are you sitting comfortably...then I'll begin...

This gorgeous lady was the voice of wireless when Scrobs was a tiny tot.

Daphne Oxenford was the hugely long name of the person who would start to tell us something, when the music stopped. My dear sister and I would hang on to every word when she spoke with those beautiful tones, and I've never forgotten her.

There used to be a short piano prelude as well, which still rings...

I'm so looking forward to getting our grandchildren into a state where we can do half what this lovely lady did for me.


  1. Hair like that would never be allowed these days!

  2. I seem to recall her too. Did she go on into the late sixties ?

  3. But it shone like a beacon back then, Blues!

    All our mums looked like that...

  4. Reckon she might have, Kev!

    She was a proper wireless auntie, and we loved her.

  5. At a later date my little sis and I where hooked on 'watch with mother'

  6. Yes I remember her - I loved 'Watch With Mother' and was always sitting comfortably. Do you remember Valentine Dyall, Scrobs?

    Story telling is very important - remember that Jesus taught in parables. People could earn their living by going from place to place telling stories. Now of course we raise strolling players who act out stories, written and directed by someone else, as gods.

    I loved telling stories to my babes and didn't mind that my girl wanted the same short story every night. When I started introducing longer books, reading a section every night, they began to be of an age where they enjoyed fighting each other more than listening to stories so I gave up until they settled in seperate rooms with their own books. Now we sit or lay side by side with our own volumes, still together, reading. A head in different worlds and our hearts together in the same warmth. My babes run to the bookshop at Hay and it's a joy to discuss The Hobbit film with them, as they've read the book and can argue plot like a grown up.

    The Hobbit is our latest craze. They dragged me to see it in 3D. We may go again we enjoyed it so much.

  7. To listen to Valentine DYall as The Man in Black reading The Pit and The Pendulum, click here.

  8. I had a crush on the Test Card Transmission girl.

  9. Moreover, there is no truth in the rumour that Annette Mills had a relationship with Muffin on her piano top.

    But, Sooty and Sweep, well investigations continue.

  10. Lovely way to get children reading, Pips!

    That Valentine Dyall could give everyone the creeps though...

    Thanks for the memory!

  11. You shouldn't have been watching at that time of day Elecs...

  12. Muffin the Mule used to be an offence, it's true, Reevers!

    As for Sooty's actions, well, it's "Bye Bye everybody, Bye, Bye..."!
