Saturday 15 December 2012

'Parent' of the year - the finalists...

...and you need a licence to fish!


  1. Is this meant as a guide? if so I'm going to have a problem with a couple of them but I'm prepared to give it a whirl.

  2. I like the top one. Dad taking his son to the harvest festival.

  3. Just go ferrit, Thud, there are more out there no doubt, and you're not one of them...;0)

  4. Ha ha ha, Mr H!

    I liked the one with the pole dancer, but then, I'm very much into poles...

  5. The family on the motorbike is quite usual too in this neck of the woods, but in fairness it is the only way available for folks to move around. However, at least the govt are making an effort to improve public transport which should stop some of that sort of thing. I nearly committed mass murder two days ago whilst driving my beloved to the shops when something like that came hurtling up at speed on the inside and I only just saw them in time to avoid tipping them all into the ditch. I don't know if it is still there, but many years ago there was an establishment based at Sharjah airport which called itself "The Insh'allah School of Flying"(The God Willing School of Flying). Many motorists and m/cyclists seem to have the same Insh'allah attitude to using the roads. In English, that translates to "not my fault, Guv". Innit.

    My favourite was the babybuggy giving mum a tow to Walmart.

    Have you seen that series of photos entitled 'the new Walmartians' which depict American fashion at its best?

  6. Oh good grief! And the SS take peoples babies away in the UK because they worry about them and ask for advice. The last one stuns me - imagine that in your face! Actually don't. Eat mince pies and make merry :)

    A mistletoe kiss to Scrobs: x

  7. That mistletoe kiss was from Pip by the way. It wouldn't let me sign in. And we have no TV, no broadband, nada. :-/

    Said Pip
