Tuesday 18 September 2012

Total rubbish story...

So the Groily Moil has an article, which says that if you live in the country, you're more likely to get Alzheimers!

Which part of 'Planet' don't they understand!

Just because we don't have regular muggings outside our door, we don't have screaming yobs pissing in our garden, we don't have endless crowds of chavs bellowing obscenities at each other, and anyone else within earshot, we don't have ridiculous cars with red stripes and stupid fins and black wheels tearing past every five minutes, we don't get any shot policemen and policewomen, we don't get too many motorbikes without silencers tearing down the road, we don't get asked for a pound for a cup of tea, we don't have to watch the failing kids too often, even though they spend most of their time round at the worst pub in Kent, we don't have to worry if we get bitten by the yobs' idiot dogs, because JRT would slaughter them at the touch of a retractable lead button, we don't have to listen to their inane conversations on their mobiles, as the traffic drowns everything but the loudest 'Carrrrn eeear yaahs' when you have to get near enough to it!

We have several rods of allotments, we make loads of our own wine, we have great communication with all our neighbours when it's necessary, we buy cheaply, we drink a lot when we want, we talk quickly after a few tinctures, we have an excitable dog, which needs several walks a day, we have gorgeous countryside to walk in and admire, we have each other to bounce ideas off, we have more chats per hour than some idiotic mobile phone programme, we eat magnificently, we can be as smug as we want, but to claim that Alzheimers affects people like us, just because we live in the country, is just too stupid for words!

And we're supposed to be liable for Alzheimers...?

Just get out of my way, you inane, ridiculous writer of crap! You really are out of your depth on this one.

(To both subscribers, please just Google the story, I really can't be arsed to do a link here!)


  1. You posted this story last week.

    Just saying.

  2. No I didn't?

    Shurely there isn't another Scrobs anywhere...

    ...is there...?

  3. You were so incensed that you forgot to mention that you also have the biggestest, bestestest, meanestest hardware emporium in the country with a proprietor whose wife has the biggestest, mostestest, well stac...er.. stocked... er...um..er.. where was I???

  4. You were at eye level with Gloriette's accomplished accoutrements, Reevers, but for the life of me, I can't remember why...;0(

  5. Was the study done solely in a village in Norfolk? In breeding can raise all sorts of problems.

    said Pip

  6. There *is* another Scrobs: in my dreams.

    purred Gloriette, making the rhinestone decoration on her top quiver.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Scrobs - You won't be having a senior moment then.

    Better than the alternative surely ?

    Perhaps Alzeimers affects those more in the country because they live longer.

  9. I don't know where the study was done, Pips, Perhaps I should have enquired further, but forgetting where my phone was at the time curtailed my enthusiasm...


  10. Gloriette is the fantasy apparition that every red-blooded male considers is unattainable...

    ...(says Elias's mentor...)

  11. I'm just as abd as everyone else at forgetting things, Elecs funnily enough when they are the simplest recalls like turning right, when Mrs S wanted me to go somewhere else... (happened a day or so ago...).

    You've probably got a point about living longer, and what I was tring to say, was that we've got far too much going on at he moment, to stop and let our brains go into neutral.

    I also think the 'article' was a poor attempt at popping at the gummint health services, because they claim that some doctors don't watch out for their patients like they used to.
