Tuesday 24 July 2012

Bye Fi...

I used to love Fiona Bruce, with her fly chest, enigmatic smile, gorgeous voice; but no more. Awwww no!

I have no problem with people making money, it's what we do in my business, but, when the stupid tax I pay to the BBC pays for her enormous salary,  pension and lifestyle which I dream about, and then she does the 'service company bit',  - well sod it.

We (in the real world)  have no recompense regarding the way these parasites leech money from us. They're 'above the law', like stupid politicians like Prescott and Bliar.

Yeah, yeah yeah, I know I shouldn't pay the TV tax, but Britishers usually do! Sad Isn't it!

So, bye Fi! You used to be a watchable friend, but you aren't any more.

So I have to ask you to **** off.

Sorry, an' that being you're a lady, but money counts...


  1. She should've been sacked when she made such a balls up of interviewing Phil.

  2. She used to be a welcome face Lils, but like every other publicly funded individual, she's screwing the taxpayer via the abominable bbc's lax pandering attitude to slebs, so - no more.

    I think its appalling that these people can get away with it so easily.

    I can expect such behaviour from politicians, because they're usually flawed individuals, (except Michael Fallon, whom I've met several times, and is a shrewd business man), but ineffective, public spongers like Ed Balls are a prime example of how a country's taxes are squandered so recklessly.

    The bbc have just relayed their tax bill on top of an already outrageous tax on a public service.

  3. I have read that she has to scrape by on half a million a year from the Beeb - the poor girl!

  4. Communication issues have become an everyday occurrance now Lakes, and with good stirrers like Guido, these people naturally become hardened to criticism, and are no longer treasures!

    In fact, they're becominmg a race of inveterate spongers from the public purse, just like politicians, who have been found out to be the same sort of feral breed.

    I feel that I will fight these people much more now I am older, and ready to embrace every weapon to crush their attitude, because, the sort of money at stake is far beyond the wildest dreams of my pension, and I know just a little bit more about how to make a difference.

    I apologise for the rudeness of the post - well, for a few seconds only, but these people have to realise that I'm/we're not going to let them get away with it lightly.

    There's quite a lot more venom to come out.

    Half a million is too much for one person to take from being part of the taxpayer's legacy. They don't deserve it.

  5. Having lived outside the UK for the better part of the past 50 years, I can't really say I know anything about her, apart from the fact that, from her name, she would appear to be from Scotland (yet another one in the BBC! I thought they had their own channel up there..).

    I was merely sitting here idly day-dreaming up some suitable song titles to help you through the day - eg:

    Maybe it's because I'm a Pensioner...
    My Old Man's a Pensioner...
    A Pensioner's lot is not a happy one...
    A Pensioner sang in [Barclay] Square...

    No doubt others will occur to you too. I will merely add that I am very pleased that my hard-earned pension does not contribute in any way to hers (or any of her colleagues).

    I had an email this morning from a mate back there who tells me his daughter has recently joined the BBC. I have referred him to the Biased BBC website (for laughs!). Have a nice weekend with your tomatoes and stuff.

  6. Thanks Reevers - it really begins to stick in my craw, when all these people make squillions from my hard-earned cash, and most, or nearly all of them are really not worth it - especially politicians.

    The BBC spends far too much on worthless lefty causes, and still put out adverts on what good 'value' they are!


  7. I never did like the Ice Maiden.

  8. Nice term Elecs.

    I don't any more either.

  9. Ha! Can't disagree with you Scrobs, some BBC salaries take the mick.

    said Pip x

  10. As an aside, I've noticed that when you store your hanky in your cleavage it makes it smell lovely :-)

    I'd love to see that little snippet of truth woven into a Sagtrouser story..... ?

    mused Pip

  11. Pips, I'd love to see the cleavage bit as much as the eventual realisation of the Sagtrouser yarn too...

    Hope you're well and kicking out at it all as you do!

    BBC salaries for autocue readers just stinks. I'd do the job for an eighth of that, and dye my hair brown to make me look interesting...

  12. I'm scouse so barely British so no TV tax for me!
