Saturday 17 December 2011

Reindeer saves the day...

You just have to love this song about how a very special reindeer took over from Rudolph!

It takes a second to load, but I reckon it should be this year's Christmas Number One, and win the Max Factor (or whatever it's called)!

Turn the sound up loud...


  1. Brilliant! I really enjoyed that. Made a welcome change from Jingle Bells and the incessant one horse sleigh thingy which drives everybody in the mall up the wall..

  2. Thanks Reevers, it just made mw smile, and such a good song for this time of year too...;0)

  3. Pips, Mrs S's sister in VA sent us some serviettes with the note (Happy Christmas Y'All') several years ago!

    We've kept a few back simply because we just love that term - thanks for reminding us!

  4. Returning to the table...

    Your comment reminds me of a "joke" from childhood days, namely:

    What's the difference between a girl from a Northern American State and a girl from a Southern American State?

    The girl from the north says: "You can't", but the girl from the south says: Y'all can't". !!!

    [ wishes you and your other three readers a happy holiday, retrieves coat and exits stage left]

  5. What a great present, Scrobs! I wanted a printed T shirt from the kids but I think Grandma has taken over and I'll get something boring I absolutely do not want :-/

    I'd quite like one of those hand whizzy blade things to make soup with. The neighbours complained to the council about the contents of my garden - they don't like the blackberries and have complained my garden contains foodstuffs that 'might attract rats'. So we've decided to keep the blackberries for as long as possible :-)

  6. Merry Chrimbo Scrobs to you and your family from all at OTW.

  7. Nah. That catterwailing from the Soldier's Wives will be number 1.

    (Good cause though it may be)

    Happy Christmas to you 'n' yours, Scrobs.


  8. Get someone else to dig out the blackberries Pis, they're probably down about three ft...!

  9. Thank you Thudders!

    And of course, the same good wishes to all your family as well!

  10. Many thanks Elecs!

    Thanks for all your comment and interest as well, we can't stop now can we!

    Happy Christmas to all of you down West!
