Friday 9 December 2011

Circular masterpiece...

One of my partners has an eclectic but varied knowledge of all types of music, from Carl Orff to Clapton, Delius to Deep Purple, Albinoni to Albert Lee, Beethoven to Bananarama, Zadok to Zombies (That’s enough comparisons - Ed), and in his constant quest for more esoteric involvement in musical philosophy, harmonious chronology and form, he strives diligently to search for, and eventually discover, the higher plateaus of melodic appreciation.

However, I will never be able to forget his recent triumphant exclamation of pure joy, when this masterpiece appeared on his Mac screen…


  1. PS: a bit off topic but my girl is practicing this at the mo. I think it's lovely.

  2. I know Pips, It's so erudite isn't it!

    The anguish of such a morass of improbable derivations, has been overtaken by a pseud consistency, far beyond the wit of man, or ring...

    I despair...

  3. And re the music bit, Pips, We've been trying to find out what it was called for ages!

    Thank you sooooo much...;0)

  4. (That was ee doing the last post Pips, on another PC, which takes about three hours to log on...)

  5. I can't get the link to work Reevers...

    Is there another title please?


  6. Hi Scrobs, back from our delightful extended sheep shearing expedition...

    Sorry I do not have another link for that. It was a video of a pesky chihuahua (sp?) annoying a very large fierce looking mastiff. The big dog so so persisted off with the little brat that he just grabbed it and ate it! It reminded me of what is happening twixt big dog Merky and the pesky frog dwarf. Not to worry, the vid will probably come your way one of these days. I got it in an email from a German friend!

    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

  7. Hallo again.
    Try this....fingers crossed!
