Friday 22 July 2011

A Rugby League Life...

Until now, I've never heard of the man. Rugby League was never my game, it was never even referred to round here, other than having a sneaking admiration for the likeable Eddie Waring, and we all chuckled at his manner of speech, as well as laughing at the 'I'm sorry, I haven't a clue' crowd, when they mimicked him...

If you have a few moments, just read this obit on Cec Thompson, and when you've finished, I hope you'll feel as enlightened and encouraged for the future of UK inc., as I have just been.

As long as there are people like Cec Thompson around, we can forget the miserable failures of the publicly-pursed self-servers which infest Britain; just for a few minutes.


  1. I will read the obit after I've fed the chil'en. Just wanted to pop by and alert you to some new posts over at mine :-)

  2. Hiyaaaah Pips!

    (Calls out from window)

    I tried to log into your site and it kept flashing back to 'error'

    So I'll try again!

    But just to cheer you up, this really is a lovely story!
