Saturday 16 July 2011

3D Scrobs...

The latest revelation to come out of Scrobs' shed, is this little number.

You'd never believe that a few bent nails, some old bits of wood, a margarine tub, three ft of sticky-backed-plastic, a grommett from a kid's bicycle, a few pictures from a holiday in Spain, and a cake candle, could make such an important machine!

Go for it everyone, it's the new way forward...


  1. Whilst it all looks a bit Heath Robinson at the moment and a lot of the machines are pretty expensive, think back to when we all got our first office fax machines or flatbed scanners?

  2. Yeright Lakes!

    I remember the first fax we ever had in 1981.

    It was near enough useless, and there would be huge zig-zags all over the page, and splodges at the inportant bits!

    But we didn't care, mobile phones hadn't been invented then...

    I love this piece of kit, and, will be enquiring if it's possible to print a tincture...

  3. Wouldn't it be great to get a machine like that that did the same thing but with fine chocolate?

  4. That's perfect Scrobs. When can you send it over?
