Sunday 8 May 2011

One 'mmmmmm' and you're off...

The best way to save electricity?

Directly a song comes on the radio, and starts with a few soulful chords, and some groaning, wailing 'mmmmm's, it gets turned off!

Just like that! PDQ!

I've saved loads of money that way, and best of all, my blood pressure remains at a constant 'just OK, but don't buy any green bananas' level...


  1. Are you avoiding vocal gymnastics Scrobs? They do my head in.

  2. I'm a power chord type of chap so soulful never features amongst my easy listening.

  3. I'm so sorry Lils, but I have to confess that, beautiful gorgeous lady that you are, I don't know what you mean...

    I do avoid anything where the sounds are obviously Norwegian, or perhaps have some empathy with the titillations and abreviations of Schoenberg, but with those dreadful mmmmmmmmmms, it's the arrogance of expectancy that "what we are about to receive, may the listener be truly thankful" which just pisses me off major big time!, is that what you where refering too, or am I thicker than the two short planks I rescued from a house near the allotments today, for the compost heap you understand...

    Pleae don't let your pretty head be done in though, we need pictures like you...;0)

  4. Thudders - that makes me feel pretty sound!

    Why, you can even hear those thundering echoes while the tiles are being clattered around, and also the pug-maker is at full blast...!

    I just loathe the crappy whinging. wailing whine which occasionally starts a certain (racist comment deleted) type of music...

  5. Oh dear! I do hope you dislike of mmmmm-ing does not extend to this.

  6. Reevers, I knew, that from the thousands of comments I usually get here, that the avalanche of praise, derision, etc, would contain one reference to THAT piece of music...

    And there it is, right from the horses mouth, and it had to come from you now didn't it!

    THAT is the only exception...


  7. Mmmmm!!

    Having a few spare moments this morning, I was merely endeavouring to clarify the position on behalf of your besotted your audience.

    But, if you knew in advance that you would be on the receiving end of an avalanche of spluttering Disgusted of You Know Where high dudgeon, you should have made the exception clear in your post. That would have saved we thousands of loyal but critical commenters from wearily reaching once again for our dusty old keyboards when we could have been getting on with drinking our morning coffee.... :-)

  8. Well I like that!

    Here am I, slaving my grommets off, trying to bring a little ray of sunshine to the proceedings, and alleviate the boredom with the news and current affairs, and all I get is abuse and opprobrium from everyone, just because I didn't include their bloody stupid little bit of humming music into the post to begin with!

    Well, I ask you!

    I mean, what's the point of going on eh?



    Ooooh no! Old Scrobs'll come up with something boring and uninteresting again next week and we can then all laugh at him behind our hands, and make him feel like a prat, and humour him for a few days, then ignore him and go and read something intelligent, like Lakelander, or Blue Eyes...

    Well, that's it!

    I'm doing absolutely nothing more until everyone apologises and sends me a note of comfort, and I just may do another post - say - next month if you're lucky!

    Nope BUGGER ALL is what you're getting from now on!


    Sod all!

    And that's just for starters...!!!

  9. Well then!! Since I seem single-handedly to have triggered an almighty hissy fit / spitting out dummy / throwing toys out of pram moment in the board room of Scrobsblogs Inc plc and brought the whole enterprise crashing to the ground, I really only have one more thing to say before I delete your blog from my daily 'must visit' list.

    It has been fun but now I disappear into the ether.

    Vaya con Dios.

  10. Reevers!

    I'm amazed! You really cared...

    And as for showing that picture, well, I'm muly trortified...

    And how are things with you today?

  11. I'm continually walking around the house turning lights off as I go. I often turn everything off and go to bed at 9pm and read for a bit. No TV. Some people would be amazed that I don't watch TV every night. Not all here but some.

  12. When listening to music stations on the radio, which I usually only do in the car these days, I try to remember the old adage that "you're only ever three minutes away from a good song".

    P.S. Am sure this track isn't included in your hit list either - one of the most amazing vocals ever and not a lyric to its name:

  13. Well, I'd be amazed if you had to watch TV every night Pips, it's most often an utter waste of time these days!

    Looks to me like you're operating your own personal 'Economy 7'!

    And why not I ask myself?

  14. Welly's Mum!

    How lovely to hear from you again after all this time!

    That track you described, was in fact much beloved by Scrobs Senior, and Mrs Scrobs Senior, and when we cleared out 'Buchan's Hole', we commandeered it! It's still in the roof!

    I believe that the vocal was a late addition to the track, and the lady was just told to get on with it, and do whatever she wanted! Marvellous abstract work, and luckily not sung within the first few bars, otherwise, I wouldn't have ever heard it again!

    Have you ever heard of 'PGese'?

    That's a whole post in itself!

  15. Mr Scrobs, I'm delighted to learn that Mr and Mrs S Senior were fans of that track, that is certainly interesting and unexpected information, lovely to know. Apparently the lady who sang those beautiful bars hailed from Battle; I have many treasured memories of the place.

    Am not familiar with the PGese, do elaborate...? Greetings from Paris, btw.
