Friday 25 February 2011

That lucky old sun...

I have a sneaky suspicion that the Scrobs frame and brain has been interspersed with a teragram of Vitamin D!

Why, yesterday, the sleeves of the 'Twickenham/Hard Winter/stop being a prat and light the bloody fire' jersey were nearly rolled up, and today, I forgot to take a scarf when we walked JRT!

This must be a sign of 'Globule Worming', and I claim my five splonders...


  1. I will be so happy when summer comes. I hope. It's been a winter of discontent. Spring is like hope underground.

  2. Like that Pips 'spring is like hope underground'!

    You're right about the last twelve months too.

  3. Ok, let me do it for you here . Roll on May

  4. Reevers, that's a marvellous one! Many thanks indeed!

    My version is still in the roof as a (hopefully not in several pieces) 78 rpm.

    It's on the back of 'The Three Bells', and is the second half of this clip.

  5. Absolutely brilliant Scrobs. Thanks for bringing back fond memories of my childhood. We had Les Trois Cloches on a record when I was growing up and I wore out countless number of needles playing and playing it. Used to drive my dad mad as he could not stand "Frenchmen" singing. It was only recently that I discovered that these chaps were not actually French, but Canadian.

    The French language version is an almost exact translation of the English (or vice-versa!) but Jimmy's name is changed to Jean Francois.

    So, just to give you the set you might llike this - another of my favourite renditions.

    PS: I do hope our host does not mind us using up his bandwidth!!

  6. Oops.. Ignore that last para - thought we were still chez Lakes. Silly me.

  7. Reevers, that is utterly gorgeous! Thank you so much!

    Especially today, when Twickenham rose to the occasion yet again...

    Years ago we - oh sod it, I'll try and make a real post of the bit I was going to tell you!
