Sunday 14 November 2010

Hymn to remember...

In the church behind the Turrets, they always sing this at about 11.20 am, just after reading the names of the fallen. I always try to stand in the garden and hear the brass band belt it all out, and today was no exception.

I've always found it an incredibly moving hymn, and today, after getting absolutely soaking wet trying to do some work in the garden in all the mud and rain, it was even more humbling to remember just what the words are all about, while the cornets, trumpets and bandsmen gave it their all.


  1. Dr Lakelander and I were in Whitehall today to hear (if that's the correct word) the 2 minute silence.

    To be outside, amongst a huge crowd of people, all observing the silence was a very moving experience.

  2. Good for you Lakes. When I was a lad, men always used to raise their hats as they passed the Cenotaph. Does that still happen? I somehow doubt it.

  3. Yes, well done for that Lakes. At least you didn't have too many useless nulabyrinthe politicians trying to get in on the act this year, dribbling and jostling to get in front of the cameras...

  4. Yes they did, didn't they Reevers!

    My Dad always came to attention and saluted any hearse he saw (when in uniform of course).
