Saturday 17 July 2010

Bloody golf...

So there we were, looking forward to watching another episode of Dad's Army, and what happens...

Bloody golf's still on!

We don't pay the sodding licence fee to see overpaid twats wearing stupid trousers knock a ball around a field with holes in it. We pay the sods to give us just a little added value for the electricity we use to see or hear them entertain us something which they said they would.



  1. Scrobs a considerable amount of middle aged americans seem to dress in golf clobber everyday of the week, most disconcerting.

  2. Absolutely. The only good thing about it was the other day I fancied a snooze, I put it on and Zzzzzzzzz. It really is boring bollocks.

  3. I tried to find the 'Not the nine o'clock news' sketch Thudders, but it ain't anywhere to be seen...

    Perhaps those outfits look better in that lovely California Sun!

  4. Indeed we are Pips, and welcome back from your gallivant...

  5. Ranters, they said in one news report that St. Andrews was too boring anyway!

    Did you know that a few years ago, just about every farmer in Kent got approached to turn their farms into golf courses, and some of them did get planning permission...

    Then the problems atarted!
