Friday 12 February 2010

So farewell Phil Archer...

It seems ages since I listened to The Archers.

Mrs S has been a reformed addict for several years now, but when Norman Painting died, it also formed a bit of a hole in the Scrobs' heart too.

On Sundays, Mrs S picks up on the latest episodes, and I usually adjourn to whatever has to be done, like sharpening the mower blades, or rodding the drains...

Years ago, when the Scrobs you love (hopefully), was in short trousers, at the 'Earlier Turrets', we used to listen to The Archers before we all sat down for tea/supper/dinner - whatever it's called now. Around the witching hour of 7.00pm, the wireless was King! My lovely sister and I would even stand on a chair so we could catch the sounds from the remote speaker high up on the wall, (which was the equivalent of a current squillion-pound sound system back in the fifties), and we'd gasp and chuckle at 'The Navy Lark', 'Take it from here', and most other programmes which were unmissable then.

When they killed off Grace Archer in the stable fire, we didn't have a television. We were in our usual positions on the chair in the 'Earlier Turrets', and then, came the fire!

Phil Archer's anguished last few words still hurt, and they were - believe me please - pretty powerful back then.

The Earlier Turrets stood still.

The next bits were confusing, but my Dad just said "They're not playing the music...", my Mum looked at her plate, and indeed, they didn't do the closing 'Dum de dum de dum de daaaaah...'.

It was deathly silent...

I didn't have clue about ITV starting that night, because, as mentioned earlier, we didn't have a television then...

'Bye Phil, I always thought I sounded like you, and now I don't.


  1. 'Dum de dum de dum de daaaaah...'

    The theme song always denoted bed time for young Blue Eyes and his brothers..! I know what it's like to be a drooling dog, I still feel like I'm being told off when I hear that music!

  2. Good Morning Scrobs.
    I absolutely wept, last night, listening to The Archers, No more Phil 'n' Jill!
    Phil's recent foray into Astronomy really amused me, particularly when Jill was less than enthusiastic.
    Her long suffering attitude reminds me of Moi, when DT comes home, after a round of Golf.
    Foolishly, I always ask him how his game went...
    After he's talked me through the first nine holes, I'm afraid I'm positively zzzzzng.

    R.I.P. Norman Painting, aka Phil Archer.

  3. I was a fan in the late 80's/early 90's but can't listen to it now. It's completely lost it's appeal for me. It was started as a social propaganda thing but the quitely compulsory inclusion of all things PC in todays soap operas leaves me cold. The only one I watch on TV is Desperate Housewives. The one-liners from Gabby are par exellence. Gabby's 'eat your waffles, I'm teaching here' to Carlos was v.funny. You had to be there. But I really object to the writers resuming her affair - it's like the 5th installment of a once popular trilogy. Or Jaws 9.

  4. Scrobs I hoped you would have checked out the links provided in the post I asked you to comment on. I don't think you noticed all the nuggets of good stuff now did you?

    For you and your readers enjoyment. The fabulous 'Man in Black', here.

  5. Blues, Same here to a certain extent - and you've found a nerve...

    When we got our first TV, I was allowed to watch 'Wells Fargo', and 'Dixon of Dock Green', and then whisked off to bed to listen to the others watching 'Golden Year' with Tommy Steele!

    Buggers, oldies then...

  6. Trubes!

    I wasn't at home when Mrs S listened, but I did hear the bits on a re-run...

    Tomorrow (Sunday), will be the killer punch, and I might just join Mrs S in a pre-prandial tincture to toast the old boy.

    The only golf story Mrs S' Dad told which made me laugh was that he only ever hit two good balls when he stood on the rake...

  7. Pips, you may want to revisit again one day. Mrs S started after a break of several years, and has never looked back!

    The single sex marriage yarn turned everyone off the prog for months in our village apparently...

    I wouldn't know, as I still remember Chris Gittins as Walter Gabriel (Grandfather of Peter Gabriel, singer and songwriter par excellence).

  8. Pips, the link won't work - too much McAfee methinks!

  9. Sorry, Scrobs, it works for me. You can get it from the original post under 'Man in Black' x

  10. I was in bits earlier today when Jill opened her valentine card....

    59 years in the same role...that's something!

  11. Lils, I was out in the shed on Sunday, around 11.00am, with the radio on softly, and my whole life flitted before me, and the woodwork became ever so slightly misty too...

  12. Pips, I'll try again, but you're a hard taskmaster (taskmistress - whatever...).;0)
