Saturday 28 February 2009

Bye Bye ringtone...

I've just upgraded my mobile phone, and the old one now lies unwanted, unconnected and unusable with all the other handsets. It's in quite a big pile...

I downloaded the original version of this song for a ringtone, as the opening chords are still as vibrant as they were back in the seventies...

I hope BT's new machine lets me transfer it again...


  1. Great stuff.

    Shows your age presactly though. One of our friends is a young woman called Kayleigh. (Marillion)

  2. Thanks Elecs!

    Fish was iconic in that song...I still love it - especially the long live verson when they do 'Bitter Suite'.

    A few years ago, we had Mrs S's sister oever with all her brood - all in their thirties. They're all American now, and we yearn to keep in touch of course.

    When they all packed up to go home after the visit, of course, we were devastated in losing their company, and friendship, and I played the Marillion song on my way to Canterbury (where I worked) the next morning, and felt utterly miserable when I got to the office.

    I rang Mrs S and she was was going through the same feeling of loss of such family comfort.

    I was a late arrival to liking Marillion, (I'm 61 for God's sake), but the Fish years were marvellous.

    Keep appearing here Chum - I like your comments!

  3. Great stuff, as EK says.

    I was also going to say that you are showing your age (me too!) but that too appears to have already been mentioned.

  4. The by-pass made a helluva mess of Solsbury Hill. But that seems a gentle way of being alerted to a new communication on your mobile Edison Bell machine :-)

  5. Reevers, I'm feeling slightly older as of late...

    You can't give up mate - it has to be done and there's no excuse.

    When I was in my fifties, I did a spreadsheet on a Psion handheld computer, (bless) when I was on a train to London. I worked out that I'd never pay off the house, and could only retire when I was about 68.

    That's absolute bunkum now. I'm paying to let the bloody wasters in Tunbridge Wells BC to retire on their index linked pensions, while working out why we're going to lose everything we've worked for if I don't carry on.

    So, fuck 'em. I'll still be working in ten years time, but just wait to see what we've got then. I'll be smashing their bloody pension agreements against the very wall they've pissed against for the last decade.

    And that goes for the disgrace we call a 'government'.

    Apart from that, I like reading your comments and sincerely hope you'll keep 'em coming; I'm here for the duration!

  6. Lils, I didn't ever know that Solsbury Hill was a By-pass object.

    This comes from me never bothering to read up on subjects which matter to real people, and I'm sorry about that.

    So, I'm going to Google the place in detail, and find out what really went on.

    Why do Gals with teabag eyes still haunt me...?

    Amd where did Elbey get that hat?

  7. It's quite a spooky photo, that teabag one, isn't it Scrobs. Elby caught me out there... The hat is a "carpenter's hat" and comes from a German online milliner :-)

    Yes, here is a pic of the bypass from Solsbury Hill...

    Keep buggering on Scrobs..*Hugs*

  8. Yes, Scrobs old bean, rest assured I shall carry on (up the Khyber?) and pop in from time to time.

    Now, call me old fashioned if you will, but just to show you how up to date I am, my six year old handphone goes "brriinggg, brrinngg" when there is an incoming call and "beep, beep" when there is an incoming text message. It is not connected to the interwebby thing - and I have a perfectly adequate 8 megapix Olympus for any photos I may wish to take. I do not own an iPod or an MP3 player (is that two names for the same thing?) and blackberries are those lovely sweet squashy things one finds along countryside hedgerows.

    However, being 25 years behind the times does nothing to diminish my admiration for the likes of P Gabriel esq and his 1970s style music.

    I also like those nice pics chez Lil - but whatever induced her to go to a ball with a Watt Earp (or Doc Holliday) wannabe??

    wv: zimmer (do you do this deliberately or are you brushing up on your German?)
