Friday 19 December 2008

Meet the Smuggits...

This morning, the BBC announced with their usual grinning attitude, that '...even councils in the UK are feeling the credit squeeze'!

"Good"! I yelled! "That's bloody good news for once"! I thought then, after yet another night of mental turmoil, working out how we're all going to beat this squeeze. "About bloody time they trimmed their staff, let a few of the lazier people go, cap the huge town hall pension schemes, get the sods to do a few hours more for free..."

Not a bit of it! What the article really meant, was that families who can no longer afford private education are having to take their kids away and place them in local education, and the local services are having to work ever so, really, really hard to deal with the 'Problem'.

The Daily Mail reported on Wednesday, that while the wealth-creating poulation suffers immeasurable harm, the public sector increased it's numbers by 14,000, and that's just since September!

So, this disgraceful public sector influx of 'Private Education Refugee Kids Subordinates' (PERKS), 'Posh People's Siblings' (PPS's) and 'Simpler Minds Under Gordon' (SMUGS), will continue unabated, no doubt paid for with money being printed as we speak.


  1. I heard that news report and thought, that sounds rather like laying the groundwork for another huge hike in council tax.

  2. scroblene...we just have to face that there are some people who will never truly feel it...and others even though they are making it...feel it for others as well as themselves...

  3. Blues - sound point you make...

    I've just realised that I'm spending twice as much on public pensions than I am on mine.

  4. Daisers, as usual, the voice of reason...!
