Saturday 11 October 2008

Hat tip to Pips...

Philipa, one of my favourite watch-spots, has just astounded me with an honest and urgent post.

Just go there and see what really happens when we have to trust the pillocks in Whitehall, and all their flunkys.

Their pensions are protected, secure, safe, and spendable...

Mine isn't.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hello Scrobbles, I know you have visited my site recently but didn't comment and I so enjoy your imput.. Just going over toPippy's now...if i havn't already read it..TTFN.x


  3. Ooh thanks, Scrobs. I feel proper posh and important :-)

    Sadly the subject matter of the post in question wasn't overly joyous :-/

    You know.. when I worked in local government it was known to us that the Chief Exec was personally responsible for finance in that he kind of guaranteed it, with his house and personal wealth. Such that if there was a fraudulent episode then he would be personally liable. It kinda concentrated financial stewardship. What amazes me is that such... such... ! is legitimate.


  4. I think surcharging the big guys in LAs is something well worth doing Pips, your Chief Exec would be able to understand that of course...

    Years ago, I knew personally, the Chief Architect of a County Council in the south.

    The pride he took in his job was exemplary and taught me a lot. I'm afraid the sort of types in these positions now just don't hold the proverbial candle aginst such honourable guys.

    And don't get me on to planners; I said DON'T....
