Wednesday 29 October 2008

Brighten up...

Dark an' cold these mornings innit...


  1. Morning!

    It's lovely and sunny here. Working from home means an extra hour in bed :-))

  2. Hello scrobs. nomad is wittering on about Hobart over at Lakes', dunno what he means.

    It's grand in this part of Sussex today. For some strange reason no one has invited me to shoot mid-week. Perhaps I'll take the idle dog out for a vermin round-up.

  3. Idle:

    WITTERING????? {gasp splutter etc}

    Is that what call up to the minute and invaluable travel advice I kindly provide free of charge?

    Seames like my effuts to ejercayt the grayt unwashd masis is unrekenized so I mite as well ang up me pensal. gbye crule werld.

    Oh - and I no abaht Witterin an al as i went to a oliday camp nere ther in 1961. I bet that is ware yu liv and that Witterin is tha akchual locashun of Scotty Pinknees, innit... Enuff; I depart.

    [word ver: in coma!!] I no the feelin

    [Oh sh.. - now it's changed to funred] Ow do they do it?????

  4. morning's not bad...i seem to enjoy this time of year...besides it is in the 20's F back home so i am enjoying this lovely UK weather!

    plus i found out years ago that i am not so sweet that i will melt in rain...give a different perspective :)

  5. Good morning Scrobs. Typical autumnal morning here. The sun is out and glistening through the golden and red hues of the changing leaves. I love the changing seasons.

    Hello to Daisy and I hope you are enjoying your visit to the UK. I wish I could meet up with you but because of on going health issues is not possible to make arrangements to stray too far away from home....nevermind eh !
    Any way enjoy your visit Di.x

  6. Heaven forbid that one should ignore free travel advice from nomads. Apologies.

    I shall check overland train times to Launceston, Tasmania immediately. No direct trains, I fear.

  7. Blues, well yes, it would be so late in the morning, and on the Camargue too...

  8. I missed sll that Iders - and now Nomers is here too!

    I like your part of Sussex. Tuscs told me about a pub near you south of Petworth I think, and I've lost the name of the village as well. Were you in on the discussions...?

    (That's enough clues - Ed.)

  9. Nomers - thankyou for the Rough Guide notes - I will investigate.

    Scotton Pinkney is in Hampshire - The people there are a splendid if not detached race, and one wonders why there aren't more characters on the committee...

  10. Daisers - it's been pretty cold these mornings; I have to break the ice on the well bucket...

  11. Morning Trubes - beautiful colours here too. Some of the maples seem to have gone from green to brown too quickly though. I thought we might be in for a show like a few years ago.

    Is Daisers over here then?

  12. So many villages, scrobs, so many pubs....

    And none of them let me smoke a gasper in front of the fire with my pint of Ballard's or Harvey's.

    So I don't visit them very often.

    The Tuscan will be eschewing Sussex hostelries in a few days' time to dine chez idle. Luckily the idle girls will be at their term-time country club, so no issues on that front, but I'm worried about the silver. I suppose that, as the blameless Tuscana will be present, I should relax on that score, too.

  13. Hello Scrobbers: I believe Daisy is in the UK or about due to arrive.
    I think she is meeting up with some fellow blogging chums in London but I can't remember who. Perhaps Lilith, Mermies, Hitch and Electro, to name a few, if I recall correctly.

    Another glorious frosty, blue sky, sunny day here so going out to a favourite holstelry for lunch.
    TTFN. (Scouseology for Ta ta for now)!x


  14. Makes no odds to me. It's always dark when I get up anyway.

  15. ...thank you for that...not gloating but summer's here in NZ...
