Wednesday 23 July 2008

Food for thought; and then some extra musing...

Overheard late one morning on the 'Up' platform of a small country station not far from here...

"...and when he was a senior Diplomat in the far east, he met a man who invented a way to teach speak-your-weight machines to sing the Hallelujah Chorus..."!



  1. I confess to deliberately saying weird things to my companion when passing people in the street. However, usually, it's completely accidental.

    Love it, Scrobs...

  2. N.F. Simpson's One Way Pendulum featured training 500 Speak Your Weight machines to sing the Hallelujah Chorus.

    He had a cleaning lady too, whose name escapes me as does my own, who came in every day to eat up left over food. He whose name must not be mentioned would have approved.

  3. Hats and Lils - after doing this post, I experienced a niggling itch behind the (receding, and grey) hairline, that indicated a small thought process which triggered a more robust recollection that this statement, uttered by the chap on the station platform, might have been a bit of received wisdom...possibly from a television set after a couple of glasses of Grange...

    While I never set out to bore people intentionally; I reckon I've done it now; in spades, with oak leaves...

  4. ...just to get the bloody numbers up...

  5. scroblene...when my friend (smartass as she is) are out and someone is overhearing our conversation...she will stop and say..."and you would not believe what he did with the dildo" just to get an expression...she is priceless!

  6. Daisers; you are a shining light in this sad post, and so welcome that I should really jump on a plane and come and give you a huge hug...!

    Lovely girls like Lils and Hats reply to my old meanderings, while you, all those miles away, decide to discuss 'plungers' here...!

    What a Gal you are, and now you are 'Tops' in this post - hopefully Lils and Hats will come back with something similar - but never mind, you've mad a happy man very old...

    What on earth did I just say about 'plungers'...

  7. oh scroblene...i will be coming across the pond soon...planning a trip in october...perhaps we can get a group together then...if anyone is interested in meeting up...
    and as always it is a delight to visit here...

  8. Don't come to my blog Scrobs. I have posted some pictures that will make you feel unwell.

  9. Oh dear - looks like I am 13th. Ah well, unlucky for some; must have been brought on by all those godawful photos on Lils' blog I have just been perusing. What a sight to greet one on return from a few days in the sun.

    No wonder this computer keeps going phut (repeat, phut).

  10. So sorry GG :-( Send Jonah the repair bill!

  11. Lils; Blues and Grumps - it's very good of you to drop by, but I know - just know, that you are only trying to be nice, and that in your heart of hearts, deep in the intersices of your souls, in fact you really do feel that this was indeed the most boring example of an extremely boring post ever written by a boring or even more boring old man, who spends his whole life boring people...

    I feel like going out eating worms in the garden now, and may be a long time...

  12. Funny place Tunbridge wells - the inventor of the wooden lawn mower lived there you know...

  13. You can't be that boring Scrobbers. I'm a Gemini, I bore easy...and I'm still here. It's nice and peaceful and generally civilised.

  14. Excellent, Scrobs.

    Daisy my friend and I used to do that too. What a laugh. The funniest though was a friend ear-wigging some guys talking about us in a pub, saying we were out of their league and probably had a porche outside. We legged it quick before closing time - we were in a Daf 55.
