Sunday 10 February 2008

Spring is nearly sprung...

Lilith has some fantastic pics of spring, and I'm bereft of anything to post at the moment.

One reason for this is that I'm trying to figure out how to record something on an analogue DVD recorder, while watching a Freeview programme. Now, if I have to make something, I try and make it as simply as possible, then maybe bung on a bit of architecture later. Designers of electrical kit don't seem to work that way, and as a consequence, I'm also having to take a course in rocket science, just to flick the switch!

So here are some peaceful pics of a beautiful walk in the woods we had yesterday, with the tireless JRT (she understands, as directly I start poking around in the morass of cables, she comes up and starts licking everything...)


  1. Oh Scrobs those are gorgeous pics. Thank God for our little hairy muscles with a waggy bit on one end and a licky bit on the other, eh? Without them we would surely miss so much beauty and never get the cables sorted.

  2. scroblene...what a wonderful way to wake up on sunday it is below zero with the wind chill and they are asking everyone to stay in due to the temp drop...thank you for have a good eye for this sort of thing...

  3. Gorgeous! Little bit of frost makes it even nicer. Sunny as usual here, but not quite as hot as Hades yet, so it's OK.

  4. Lovely photos. And isn't it glorious. I have been bouncing around smiling all weekend. I can't believe that spring is here already.

    I have no idea about DVD recorders though.

  5. Yippee - spring is here and I'm all frisky again !

  6. Lils; wires are definitely uncrossed today - we've been wandering everywhere and spring look like reality for a change!

    Mrs S has mastered the cables before me and I am not in dudgeon - yet...

  7. Daisers; absolutely!

    Sorry you have that wind over there, I assume that's what we're going to get later in the week!

    Have to admit the eyes were watering a bit after scraping a ton of ice from th Scrobmobile before we even got in! JRT doesn't help under those circumstances...

  8. Laders; Is Hades the same as when I used to visit so regularly before Mrs S led me to the straight and narrow...?

  9. Relucs; a big google came up with all sorts of help on the cabling thing.

    Glad you've been bouncing, which is always a joy at this time of year! Tuscs does the 'Bounce-watch' at the moment...

    That's enough....

  10. Elecs; yer right of course!

    Do I detect a few days of well earned rest old chap?

  11. we are kind of used to the high winds here...comes from living in the flatlands of illinois...between corn fields and bean fields with nothing...and i do mean nothing to stop them from hitting full force...we have one hill in town (called "the big hill" as if there were another) it is actually just a mound of dirt left over from making the swimming pool...they put grass on it because there was no where else to take it and now we use it to sled down...and no i am not joking as sad as it sounds...

  12. Daisers; good response there - thankyou my Love!

    When I was a kid, my Dad, (an engineer) once explained to me whey there was a huge hole in the woods we were walking through.

    He called it a 'Borrow pit', from where trades would take soil and subsoil to make up a mound, or a foundation etc.

    They are everywhere apparently, but who knows where they really are?

    You're delving deep here Daisers, and as it's you. I'm delighted to keep it going!!!

  13. That is a beautiful arboretum near you there. I am not sure how well all that natural beauty juxtaposes with the back of a telly, but eclectic is the watchword here, I know!!!

  14. Killers; You're very kind, and don't worry about the 4 X 4, just use the front wheels when driving in London!

    Ken Livinghell is such a drag on the place these days, he really is reverting to his old GLC habits of hatred for wealthy - and not so wealthy - people who live in a city he thinks he owns. Mind you, his 'team' have eye watering salaries for doing very little except a similar stance to his.

    I like seeing daffs out early anyway, and as for the sap rising, well, any tree surgeon could put on a tourniquet couldn't they?

    You're right about the TV, I'm nearly there, and receiving The Home Service and The Light Programme quite well through the leatherette WW2 fighter pilot's headphones...;0)

  15. Tuscs, thanks for that; see above.

    The walk in the woods just takes care of the blood pressure at the back of the neck from peering at three miles of wire and trying to figure out which bit goes where...

    Actually, it's nearly sorted, and Mrs S can watch the real Scroblene while I peer out of the window with a well earned Penfold...;0)
