Friday 14 December 2007

Until sanity returns...

It's been an utter bugger of a week, so can I suggest that you just talk amongst yourselves until I can get around to writing something...?

Thanks so much...!

Update...following day...

Er; sorry about that; very rude...

...well you know how it is when things seem to be getting better at work, then everything suddenly deteriorates, and then turns even more terminally disastrous, and you tell yourself to cheer up because things could be worse, and sure enough, they do get worse, then just one phone call turns everything round in an instant, and you're so relieved that you have a couple of drinks and fall asleep in front of the fire, and wake up in the early hours with a conking headache, and JRT needs to go out for a last wee, and you get to bed feeling tired but so relieved, and are so exited that you can't sleep for hours, and then the little doubt creeps in to why it may not all be so fantastic, and you spend the rest of the night on the worry cycle again.

Well that's my week anyway, and no different from most people's I guess! If I had ten hours sleep this week, that left plenty of time to thank my lucky stars that I met Mrs S. over forty years ago...


  1. It wasn't rude in imho. I like to be kept up to date and informed at all times. Like right now, I am wondering what happened to TT, and hoping noting much more taxing than too much work.

    Anyway... get some sleep, you were a visitin' way too early for a Sat morn. My excuse - I am home way too early on a Sat night:-( My choice though... v. v. tired.

  2. Hi Scrobs, Hope your insomnia has gone and your sleeping in a more fitful manner ! You are a real "romantic " remembering meeting Mrs S. so long ago, that`s lovely!
    BTW> I`ve left you a reply on my Take the Highroad story on my Blog, sorry I`m late !
    Di xx

  3. Sorry to hear that Scrobs..I had one of those this week too! Must be in the stars.

  4. sometime scroblene...a glass or 5 of wine helps to get the sleep started...i sympathize with you and wish for you a good sleep prior to starting the week thing i try to do (am not always successful) is to just take the attitude that i will be in tomorrow and it will give me something to do problem is i hate dealing with deadlines when i am forced to count on other people for their participation as well...i know i can make any deadline because i will literally kill myself doing it...but when others are involved that aspect often screws my plans and i hate counting on anyone for the final accomplishment...yes i am anal and a bit of a control freak...

  5. Killemall - That's a good piece of advice, and your Dad's words will now be in the queue for near enough 3.00am. Thank you for that, it makes very good sense and I'm gratefull!

    Daisers, You're right, and that really is the norm, but no more, as a) Mrs S and I usually crash out after this, and b) I can't really be buggered to get up and refill the glass (es) after said amount!

    Don't you fret about this particular old git; things will always improve, because if they don't we're all sunk, but they do get minimal eventually, so why worry! Nice post back my love, thank you, and you take care too eh?

    Laders Janers; as always I will read and listen to you! I reckon you need a few zzzzzs as well!

    Trubes; yer's not really insomnia, but just everything getting in the way, but as stated many times; so what! Everyone else gets all this crap, so it's my turn at the moment.


    One day, I'm going to throw a huge party and You, together with Lilith, Lady Jane, Daisers, Hitch, Ed, Hercules, Hatfield Lass, Elecs, Gosling (Who?), Tuscs et al are going to stand in the same room and admit we never realised what we all looked like and somehow..........

  6. scroblene i would come across the pond for that party! however hitch knows what i look like and i know what he looks like so that won't be a surprise unless he gains more weight at christmas...

  7. Life's a bloody roller coaster at times.

    The older you get the messier it becomes - no matter how hard you try !

    Tell me it gets better, Scrobs ... pleeeease.

  8. I'm responding to this post on my own blog. ;-)

  9. Is a fuck yes? Like when gypsy steal cow and you make to drink the milk of pig at the breakfast.
    Or as when you come back from police station and girl friend will not make fuck with you because she has been tired with making fuck with clients all day long.
    But this is how world is ticking my elderly fellow, in Poland we say that you have to suck on tit that you is given.

    All the love

  10. Daisy: When and where have you met Hitch ? I`m bursting with curiosity !

    Hey Scrobs, It would be great fun to "all meet up", but then maybe not, the myth of anonominity may destroyed, and we may not like each other. Except in Hitches case, he may grow to like me, Well I can always dream ! xx

  11. Mr S that's exactly the roller-coaster I find myself on except there are no pets and no Mrs C!

    The feeling of having one's ducks in a row usually turns out to be an illusion :-(

    Sorry to be depressing.

  12. Oh just noticed that EK used roller-coaster before I did. Playing catch-up as usual...

  13. I wish Metody would visit my blog.

  14. I would come (across pond) too.. just tell me the when/where;-)
    However, I think I've a pretty good mental image of Hitch's behind... thanks to Daisy;-)

  15. Hey now, this is a 'roller coaster' isn't it!

    Now things are improving on last week, I'm host to great names who visit, and make me feel better!

    And you have!

    Elecs; Priest jokes are in - and yours is marvellous!

    Lady Janers; you get over here and look at what we lot are reelly, reelly like... Sure you know akshually...

    Trubes; yer not wrong, I like anonimity; not to hide behind a name as 'anon', but quite honestly, there's not much more to say or prove, so why not keep it this way? I liken blogs to the old ideas of pubs, where you could bump into anyone if you were minded to, and make a conversation, then go home on your own. I do like everyone I talk to though. This is because I need to start off making positive, friendly statements all the time, and feel sad for people who have to drone on and on and on about what they think is their bad lot! Tough; and they are the losers, and eventually recognised as such!

    I understand that The Hitch is a pretty good sort of of bloke, and I would like to meet him, but really, what do we have in common? Blogs? He's a legend so far! Me; I'm not up there at all! So he and I are automatically 'pub chaps', and I feel all the better for that.

    Mrs S has always said that we can have loads of pals, but why keep binding them? She's probably right too.

    Ed; I like your style immensely; and, feel that somehow you and I are going through similar black holes... I'll cheer up if you will!

    Lilith, All I can say is we are destined for greater things and will reap enormous pleasures in another world; not a stone's throw from 'The Estate'...! You take care my lovely!

    Thanks chums; this is an eyopener - which is a bit sad as I've got to take JRT out for a wee now, and it's bloody cold tonight!

  16. Oh bugger, I forgot to reply to Daisers in that awful monotribe...

    Daisers my love, 'Leaving on a jet plane' is still a fond memory! But for you, I'll tell you my all time favourite; 'Early morning rain'.

    I'll listen to this one and think of you Dear!

  17. Scroblene I see from your replies that you is chosen to estrosize me from you friendship. You made with reply to all others but not to me. It is alright dear sir I understand this, as since coming to live in Wales, England I meet with lots of people who will not like me, or talk with me because I was Polish. I understand good sir. You must excuse my British, sometimes people think me crude for I lack the mellifluousness that is the grease for friendship.

    'Still have I borne it with a patient shrug,
    For suff'rance is the badge of all our tribe.
    You, that did void your rheum upon my beard,
    And foot me as you spurn a stranger cur
    Over your threshold.'

    Your Friend

    (do not be ashamed)

  18. true blue...hitch and i have been friends for several years and while i can tell bits and pieces i can't give away ALL of our secrets, then the mystery would not exist...

    he is btw a very fine looking man and has a heart of gold beneath the creams and scents...

    scroblene...leaving on a jet plane makes me cry...several reasons i guess...but the most important is i hate leaving...not flying

  19. jane...if we timed it right we could ride together :)

  20. Scrobs, Metody has challenged Elby to a duel. He wants to move in with me. Trouble is, he smells of bacon and hair oil.

  21. Hope your week has improved Scrobs, merry Xmas.

  22. And he called me obese and... something! A Pox on the Polish!

    (Sorry Scobs.. seeing as you're friends and all, I will refrain from casting curses in the future;-)

  23. My dear Metody,

    Thank you so much for joining in our blog - grease or no grease...!

    I must apologise for not replying to you with all the other pals; this was an oversight, and one I will remedy here!

    Actually, I like your interventions; but as you know, I am fortunate in having a few very pretty girls who visit here, and charm me with their oblivion to my age, and possibly recognise my ability to go much further if I could get round this bloody table (old joke my friend... tell you one day...)!

    Why don't you pretend to talk here in my mother tongue? I'd like that, and wouldn't have to strike out all the 'dirty' words you write? I'm all for that!

    As I'm older than you, you really must agree to my terms old chap!


    Senator Christian Richelieu O'Blene

  24. Laders Janers; no curse...just an expletive will do!

  25. Actually Janers my spring chicken...from this mechanical web-cam thing, you look so sylph like, I'm having to look twice to see you!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. That was me above Janers; trouble with the click finger; brought on by Merlot...

  28. How goes Scrobs ? I`ve just postsd a little yarn on my site , if you care to look in. xxx Di

  29. Scrobs, I find you most charming, but I must assume you've had far too much Merlot! I don't know what you are looking at on your webcam thingy, but its most assuredly not me.. ah to be a sylph like creature! When you're as tall as me (6'2") 'sylph' goes out the window;-)

  30. this week better for you? for some reason it is dragging on like a bad nightmare here...

  31. Merry Christmas Scrobs,

    Hope you have a good one.

  32. Phil...Yes it has, and somehow this is going to be a great Christmas - thanks for your sentiments...

    Trubesbalubes...Fantasidosie...Lots of long words here, but you're spot on!

    Lades...Yeahhhhh....Merlot is a good chum, and doesn't take too many prisoners. It always balances out, so no worries there!

    Daisers; dear Daisers, Yup, on the up now! Thought it would, but at 3.00am - err...

    Jonhemlock; Thanks Chum - and I hope all goes well for you and all the other Hemmers...

    Ed: - I'm not sure whether to be sorry for what you said; you have less to deal with than we have - which may even mean more - hmmmm!

    Elecs, he will now! We actually know him...Who is he?..maybe...

  33. I posted a little something for you.. in case you feel down again:

    (link, so you don't have to wade through;-)

  34. i have been doing the 3am wake up call all week as well...although it isn't that unsual for me anymore unfortunately...however it does give me time to blog :)
    have to look on the bright side of these things scroblene! well i don't HAVE to i guess i CHOOSE to...

  35. Wow, what a comment box. I have a headache now and have completely forgotten what the original post said and what I planned to say. sorry. Well, it wasn't "sorry". I'm sure it was something erudite and witty.

    But anyway, it's gone now from my featherbrain.

    So Merry Christmas to you!

  36. Janers! You are definitely sylph-like! Your prose admits such! In my mind's eye (Small Faces song; about 1967) you are up there with the gorgeous gals I talk with, and I feel immensely proud that anyone bothers!

    Today was another watershed; things are beginning to pan out, and when one emerges from a double-underpants meeting with one's bank manager with a grin, then...well...things are being sorted!

    Seriously, I do reckon that taking one's retaliation to the people who actually control our money (the banks; forget Brown and his incompetent bunch of losers), is easier than trying to fight them. I've always been told this by people wiser than me, but if there's anything to reinforce this statement that needs confirmation, just face up to them and say the best you was one of these, so things might improve - hope so...

    This is a bit of a watershed for me, because the fear of hurt - to me and Mrs S, and the the support of friends like you, and all the rest who actually bother to read this, has increased my resolve to pop in the odd comment which may relate to others who I like.

    Hope this is not too emotional, but comments here have definitely helped a situation which was in danger of becoming far too heavy!

    Thanks to you and All!

  37. Elecs - Thankyou so much and the same to you and your family! That pic you posted of son and guitar was magic, and I'm sure he'll make a big thing of it! Lucky guy you!

    Daisers; Yup; three am is a bit of a bugger...try to stay away from things that don't help too much eh? ...I sound like the BBC now...)!

    Relucs! Just stay here with your chums Pal! It's much easier, and you don't have to cope with all the maniacs on Guido etc! I only go there when I want to read better news, or see what really is happening; otherwise, well, life's a bit to short!

    I really might have to take a small rest soon as JRT will be jumping up and wanting a cuddle/walk, and Mrs S will say 'C'mon Zebedee...'!

    Blimey; it's only 8.45pm...


  38. I always ensure that I step in dog shit before visiting with my bank Mr. S.

    Merry Christmas.

  39. Thank you for your lovely message chez moi.

    I will indeed be back to chat after Christmas.

    Have a wonderful Christmas

  40. Happy Crimble Mr S, and thanks v much for lightening my year with some apposite, well crafted posts - great stuff!
