Sunday 18 November 2007

Smug gits...

What really pisses me off these days is the smug glee with which the BBC is thriving on bad news. Why do I have to endure a grinning presenter glittering out of the TV screen at 7.00am with the news that more houses will be repossessed this year, and more families will have no credit to rely on?

It seems to me that they love reporting bad news. Presenters wriggle and squirm with delight at a tragic story while trying to put a concerned face on for the cameras. The BBC had a reporter in Great Yarmouth during the recent flood surge worry, and she was nearly wetting herself and dribbling with expectation while trying to make a catastrophic disaster out of what turned out to be a non-event to most people. Back in the studio, the ‘presenters’ were looking on with ‘concern’, and grilling the weatherman on the likelihood of the equivalent to a tsunami all over Norfolk. They were scrabbling after a disaster story which never happened.

The recent headlines on Radio 4 also included items about why we mustn’t drink so much, eat too much, use our cars so much, live too long, be ill etc.


This isn’t news; it’s re-peddling a few ‘government facts’ cobbled together to scare the shit out of most families, who are already only too aware that their homes and lives are at risk from far too many factors which are out of their control. Joe Public just doesn’t need reminding he’s in debt and will stay that way for years to come, he already knows. Still, he can be comforted that the top dozen or so people at Ofcom are taking home around £3m, so it’s not all bad is it?

And what is the really good news?

The Spice Girls had a reunion!



  1. i noticed that this morning scroblene...they are reporting about that house fire that killed 7 family members and are so excited to report the petrol in the home which excelerated it...meaning it was could see the glint in their eyes...and those two girls who were found in the house god they are just over really is disgusting and probably why i usually just listen and don't watch...

  2. I can't watch news anymore Scrobbers. That is an outrage (the Offcom Income)...

  3. Daisy,

    You're right of course! The glint describes it perfectly!

    Lilith, read the list put up by the TPA, and weep!

  4. Oh Scroblene, how I agree. I hardly bother to watch the news anymore. I think the problem is too much air time to fill. They dig up 'experts' to insult our intelligence by stating the bleeding obvious. What a waste of time.

  5. Good evening Scrobs,

    Thanks for visiting my blogette last week.

    This evening, I felt the urge to create a post on the smuggest (former) BBC presenter of them all.

    I've seen where the bugger lives in's a long way from Barnsley...

  6. I don't watch the news much anymore. I used to be addicted to knowing the latest headlines but I get most of my news via the internet now.

  7. I feel that the BBC is corrupt.

    It's become a brainwashing service as far as global warming is concerned.

    Licence funding should be abolished.
