Wednesday 15 August 2007

Inner sedentary fenestrated situation…

This evening, I experienced a new sensation!

Yup! A new one,,, No, don’t laugh…Noooooooh…it’s not that funny… yet…

Would you believe your correspondent, (I like this hackneyed term and may well use it again – well; it’s my blog…), had to go to London Bridge station for the start of the trek back to Scroblene Turrets.

Although grounded still, the train and bus service is OK, and as I mentioned in an earlier post, Corney and Barrow are better off for me finding reasons for not driving!

I hate London Bridge Station, because many of the trains cruise through with their destination terminus mentioned on the front; but, I get off before then, and they don’t really need me at all, as I am an intermediate person. Even not ‘The Vagrant’!

So I wait for the next one.

Anyhow, we all crowded on, me with sad southpaw held aloft for sympathy (bugger all received), and a queue for the last remaining seats. (We’d sunk a few reds previously at the development meeting and a miniature snooze was an important requirement at this stage).

Your Correspondent (nice isn’t it...), had a small glance to the right, paniced, looked to the left of the queue, and just saw, from the corner of a tired eye, that another passenger was sitting ON AN AISLE SEAT!

With an authoritative, quivering finger pointing to the window seat, he immediately acquiesced, bowed down, smiled, gave me an OBE for good measure, and ‘Your Correspondent’ had the best seat on the journey! Window leaning, glazed expression, Chislehurst was a blur, Peter Gabriel on the new!

Still had to catch the bus home though, and it’s a twenty minute walk uphill to the Estate…

Small items of good news like this become very important for 'CORRESPONDENTS' who have to have their stitches out tomorrow!

Bloody well laugh, or else, I’ll publish a photograph of my massive wound!


  1. I loathe(d) London Bridge too, was only happy when my life shifted to being ex-Waterloo. Main reason was that I had to run the daily gauntlet of passing (trying to pass) the original Richer Sounds branch in the arcade, which at the time was in the Guinness Book of Records for having the biggest turnover per square foot of any shop on earth (or at least England) - and with good reason, bargains galore!

  2. Is the OBE bit even remotely true?

  3. I got my first amp from Richer Sounds at London Bridge. Courage Scroblene! This is why you should be convalescing at home...tut tut!

  4. Brown's got Scrobs' pension L, he has to put it back together now or never.

  5. You're right Hats!

    It's all risk these days, but we've had a result today, so can breathe a fraction easier...
