Thursday, 9 May 2019

New yawn...


So much has happened since we last visited these pages, I don't know where to start!

So I won't worry you...

We have a new kid in London, Nylon, and an old bag in London, mucking up our Brexit intentions. I fell arse-over-head in Tesco's carpark, and severely lacerated my left hand. Luckily the tree stump survived, but Scrobs' ego was slightly dented, as was a part of said paw.

I've changed the main water butts around, and they filled up yesterday, we're buying a pumpkin later this morning, to plant as a mate to the two courgettes we're growing on the old compost heap. That'll be fun!

I've got to collect a prescription for Senora O'Blene and will chat lovingly to our gorgeous chemist, in the hope that one day she'll take my temperature or something, and all that after I've been to see my fabulous doctor as my blood pressure was through the roof a while back, but has reverted to an average of 146/77, which I hope will stop her putting me on tablets!

So there you have it, life is never tedious, and Senora O'Blene is planning one of her excellent spag bols for lunch, with a tincture no doubt!

Pip pip!


  1. This is becoming a habit - first the Edinburgh Position and now the Tesco Laceration. Spag bol and a tincture sounds like a decent cure though.

  2. It actually turned into a ploughman's Mr H, as we remembered the new crusty loaf in the pantry...

    Life's like that, one day you feel Italian, the next like a farm worker!

  3. Hang on a mo? "So much has happened and I don't want to worry you?" That post so didn't work because your a daft tart and you should know us better than that! May I ask if you're left or right-handed because you're either dexter or sinister or possibly ambidextrous like my mum was. If you need a buttered bun to accompany whatever delicious meal Zia has taken all day to prepare, I can thoroughly recommend these:-

  4. Looks good, Goosey! Glad to see you're on a roll...

    I would make a daft tart, but seem to have run out of dafts, so will consider a Cornish pasty instead! In fact, there is still one of Senora O'Blene's there, already made, and life couldn't be better!
