Friday 17 August 2018

Old school song...

Scrobs' schooldays are long past of course, but the old hymn we would sing at the end of the year was one which would blow the rafters off the old chapel roof!

I always wanted to copy the music (I had the words from the order of service), and only recently managed to get it from a fellow OB.

If you are able, it is well worth playing and also singing the words on the right. That last verse is an absolute killer, and at OB days, there's hardly a dry eye in the chapel!


  1. My eldest when leaving primary in June sang something similar in choir, not a dry eye in the pews.....emotional blackmail!

  2. They do that, don't they Thud!

    You can read music; try them out on this lot!

    If you need a better copy, let me know of course!

  3. Ha! My first music teacher at Grammar school wore a funny wavy black wig, a long black gown, and insisted on us listening to the school anthem "wot he rote" at every opportunity and it was awful! One after that introduced me to classical music for which I will be ever grateful.

  4. I played guitar at Eastfields High School for Boys at which far FAR more went to prison/borstal than university.

    There were golf balls thrown at my performance and the police were called to disperse the gangs.

    There was far more chance of going to prison than to University from my school. Four murderers in the time that I was there. Many since.

  5. EK..your playing caused 4 murders? and to think I was going to ask for lessons.

  6. I don't recall a school song but I do remember singing something like this at the end of the year.

    No more school, no more stick,
    No more rotten 'rithmetic.
    No more Latin, no more French,
    No more sitting on the old school bench.
