Saturday 28 August 2021

The Otter...


We knew David Sharp well - he's mentioned here... When Senora O'Blene's parents eventually retired from the pub where we usually met David, they bought several of his creations, some of which we still have, and treasure!

When her parents left us all alone, The Otter stayed with us, and has pride of place on a central shelf, as he really is a masterpiece, and we love him! Various other items in that genre followed over the years, and only recently, we've bought several more, and have now run out of shelf-room...

They don't have huge value, just enough to make their lovely faces and shapes a comforting recall of a pretty good bloke, and we even saw his wife Dot a few years ago, and had a lovely chat!

Our own otter has much bigger eyes than the pic, and therefore is even more appealing, but you can see that David was pretty damn good with his kilns and painting!

Sunday 22 August 2021

'Bye Don...

And one of my favourite singers has just popped off…

I bought a whole album by The Everly Brothers, just because of five fabulous guitar chords at the start of ‘So sad’

RIP great man.

Saturday 21 August 2021

What the Dickens...

A dear, elderly neighbour has left the area to live nearer to her sons in Oxford, and we miss her!

Because she lived next door, we feel responsible for her cottage, and are keeping an eye on the place for her, until it's sold.

She has generously offered any of her fixtures and fittings for us to have if we want them, and apart from a couple of things, there's not much to want, or take now.

Except a complete set of Charles Dickens...

I must confess to be a bloke who has only ever read one Charles Dickes novel, and have long wondered if I could summon the desire to read them all at some stage. My old business partner did exactly that, and as there are only about fifteen novels, give or take the odd pamphlet, I should really give it a try, shouldn't I?