“The Lakelander Emporium of Tat PLC is pleased to announce that, with immediate effect:
Di Trubes has been appointed Marketing Director.
Grumpy Granny has been appointed Director of Corporate Communications.
Kevin Electro has been appointed Director in charge of Logistics.
S C R O'Blene has been appointed Property Director”.
(Note to Mr Lander, Chairman - or can we call you ‘Lake’),
Having visited the offices of ‘Shaddup and Lissen’, (Estate Agents) yesterday, I have been given particulars of the above property, which I recommend to the board.
The rent on this building is within the guidelines as set out during the inauguration meeting. For posterity, the photograph of the meeting is also attached. This was taken at the exact moment that we heard that our newest supplier (‘Beast an’ Pieces’), had opened a small business in Tuscany!
Can I respectfully suggest; 'Lake' (!!), that we invite other suppliers to offer items to the 'Emp'.? I'm particularly interested in some of Miss Binstock's special photographs which she has kept hidden for many a year. Also, a certain Doris Webley-Bullock is threatening to sell us several five-litre 'cubis' of Chateau Dieppe. She is not a person to shake a stick at I understand...
Simeon Cardew Ricardo O'Blene
Director of Property